Lessons are taught either 'face to face'; via 'Skype'; via 'e-mail' (Notation of music; videos; mp3 recordings; pdf. instructions; email communication)
Turkish Ney Lessons:
from beginners level to playing various makams using: 'Ilahi',
'Pesrevs', 'Sarki' 'Saz Semais'; basic understanding of 'usul' (rhythm). For more advanced players please contact me for more info.
Small Pipes: From beginners level, to playing melodies of 1 octave with variations (Peacock, Bewick, Dixon); to using the 7 keyed chanter; different drone configurations etc.
Border Pipes/Lowland Pipes: Playing from beginners level, to melodies of Dixon, Peacock, Bewick, with variations; attention given to "Border fingering" technique.
English Concertina: Learn a repertoire using the "Jackie" English Concertina.