Open-Ended Flutes

The Turkish Ney

turkish mansur ney
My interest in the Open-ended flutes began as I wanted to explore the Makam musical system that is found in the Middle East and beyond. After my B.A. in Contempoary Music and an interest in Ethnomusicology I traveled on research trips exploring the different musics of the ney. My research included construction methods of the Ney, symbolism, music and technique and teaching this instrument. The countries I have researched these types of flutes are: Turkmenistan, Tatarstan, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, the Balkans and Spain. I have also done research in Istanbul/Turkey at the Conservatoire (I.T.U.) for 2 years and explored other Turkish music/s, such as the Kaval (folk open-ended flute). I completed a Masters (M.A.) in Ethnomusicology where I wrote a Methodology for teaching the Turkish Ney in English, using my Turkish research. Later, I returned to Turkey and took ney instruction for 4 years with my Ney teacher in Bursa. 

Teaching Turkish Ney

I teach Turkish ney, passing on the information I received during my 6 years in Turkey. I concentrate on Turkish Sanat music and Ilahi to teach various makams. I teach by 1 to 1, or by Skype using mp3s and notation. If interested in Ney lessons contact me for details.
You can hear some of my musical examples of the Turkish Ney, Iranian Ney and Kaval by following the various links in the Contact Page above.


Below is a general description of workshops offered, a more detailed information can be obtained on request. Most of these lectures are offered with PowerPoint and original recordings and photos from field research, wherever possible.

L-R: Gagri Tuiduk, 3 Turkish Neys, Bashkiri Kuray, and Tunisian Nai.


The Turkish Ney

The workshop consists of practical and demonstrative examples of the Turkish ney. Looking at its construction, religious symbolism, music played in the Mevlevi Ensembles. Recorded musical examples are given as well as a change to play the music in an ensemble setting.

Turkish Kaval

A lecture and workshop looking at the Turkish kaval and its music. Hearing musical recordings as well as trying out kaval notation. Examples of kaval and its construction are discussed.

Moroccan Nai

A overview of the open-ended flutes of North Africa, focusing on the Moroccan nai and the Tunisian Qasba and my research in these 2 countries. Recorded musical examples are given and a chance to play some melodies from the Andalus repertoire.

Gagri Tuiduk

Examining the open-ended flute from Turkmenistan, looking at its construction and notation, listening to recordings of my fieldwork research.

The Kurai

Using my research into the Bashkiri and Tatar Kurai I examine the open-ended flute and its use in National Identity as well as Religious Shaman use. Music examples are given as well as a chance to play its melodies.

Central Asian Open-ended Flutes

A general look at the different types of open-ended flute in the Central Asian area. Using multimedia and instrumental and musical examples I show the wide range of this instrument and its resurgence and decline and its use in National Identity.

Egyptian Nai

Using my research in Egypt I show the different types of nai in Egypt and try its music. My fieldwork and recordings construct the basis of this lecture.

Iberian Open-ended Flute

A reconstruction of the open-ended flute from Spain/Iberia. Looking at Moorish and Sephardic traditions, historical sources and geographical location, we piece together a story of the Iberian flute and how and why it disappeared and how it has shown itself once more.
Collecting reeds in Spain